OakBridge Accelerating India : 7 Years of Modi Government

This book aims to present an objective and empirical analysis of the journey that the Indian democracy has traversed under the leadership of Prime Minister and the road ahead in each of the sectoral domains covered.

₹795 ₹580

Pages : 360

Format : Hardbound

Published in : Aug 2021

ISBN : 9789391032548

Edition : 1

Publisher : OakBridge

Author : K J Alphons

Category : Business, General & Reference

Tag : Business, General & Reference

About the Book -

Accelerating India: 7 Years of Modi Government qualitatively and quantitatively evaluates the policies of the government in the last 7 years and their impact on the citizens and the nation.

The book focuses on twenty-five (25) key sectors, including

  • Education,
  • Digital Revolution,
  • Agriculture,
  • Industry,
  • Environment,
  • Rural Development,
  • Sanitation,
  • Infrastructure,
  • Health, and Economy.

Each chapter is contributed by domain experts and eminent civil servants with experience in the sector, giving their insights and understanding on the influence and impact of the various government policies and schemes in accelerating India.

Some of these sectors have witnessed a complete overhaul, while others have been streamlined to bring in efficiency. The book aims to present an objective and empirical analysis of the journey that the Indian democracy has traversed under the leadership of Prime Minister and the road ahead in each of the sectoral domains covered.

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